Cornel West steps up while the duopoly is on the way down!

The presidential debate was a disaster, more so for Joe Biden cause even if Trump was lying through his teeth he was doing it with confidence and calmness, both of which Joe Biden is lacking. It must be clear now like I and many others have predicted, namely that both of the candidate could be forced to leave the election and today its clear that Joe Biden at some point will be asked to hand over the torch to someone else. Now Trump may still be in the race but I wouldnt be surprize if he is in some way prevented to run but atm he seems certain of his race, but imo its clear that it has to be someone else that the two dinosauers in the presidential debate last night.

Cornel West has just announced his “to do list” the first 100 days and its shows what he stands for and wil bring to the presidency if he were to be elected:

Economic Justice:

  • Enact an executive order to abolish poverty and homelessness.
  • Begin the process of establishing federal public banking to ensure equitable access to financial resources.
  • Moving towards public oversight of the major monopolies and oligopolies.

Education Justice:

  • Propose changes to school funding to promote educational equity.
  • Facilitate community forums to engage and unite stakeholders in reforming education.
  • Develop a national model for pursuing truth and justice for oppressed groups, especially Black, Indigenous, and Brown people.

Environmental Justice:

  • Declare a climate emergency to address environmental crises truthfully.
  • Establish a task force to halt new oil and gas leases, protecting natural resources and ensuring environmental justice.
  • Outline initiatives for renewable energy that nurture the planet and future generations.

Global Justice:

  • Immediately stop all funding and weapons to Israel and promote genuine self-determination for Palestinians and Jews with equal dignity and security.
  • Anti-Imperialist US Foreign policy that makes America a decent nation rather than an aggressive empire.
  • Announce reductions in military expenditures, reallocating funds toward humanitarian efforts.

Health Justice:

  • Sign an executive order to implement national, improved Medicare for All.
  • Release initial findings from the healthcare study, committing to transparency in potential reforms.
  • Invite public commentary on healthcare reforms to ensure community needs are met.

Immigration Justice:

  • Draft legislation to reform immigration policies, focusing on humane treatment and family unity.
  • Advancing amnesty at the American borders.
  • Lift the blockade; normalize US relations with Cuba.

Racial Justice:

  • Conduct public hearings to discuss and promote reparations transparently – in the form of financial payments.
  • Land back for Indigenous communities
  • Ensure justice for Black farmers.

Voter Justice:

  • Promote legislation for more inclusive voting practices, such as ranked-choice voting and proportional representation, ensuring every voice is heard.
  • Organize community town halls to strengthen democratic participation.

Worker Justice:

  • Direct the Department of Labor to draft a Workers’ Bill of Rights, championing the right to organize and secure fair labor practices.
  • Engage labor leaders in discussions to reinforce solidarity and worker empowerment.
  • Publish and promote the finalized Workers’ Bill of Rights, advocating for transparency and fairness in labor laws.

He also informed lately he is doing a write in in New York and needs as much help as possible to get on the ballot there, New York is one of the 3 states he has said will be the hardest to get on the ballot but he is working hard to make that happend, if you live in New York and you think the above mentioned values are close to your own then plz dont hesitate to help with the vote in!

Recently his Ballot in North Carolina was blocked and again Cornel West faces alot of obstruction and malice towards Cornel West even if he had enough signatures to get on the ballot.

So as I predicted Joe Biden could be forced to leave and this will greatly improve changes or independent and I hope people can see that a change is needed and looking at the list above then Cornel West looks like a really good choice IMO.

If you live in USA and wanna help then dont be afraid to go to , they can use both donations and volunters, sign up for news and be iformed about progress and read more about his platform on the site.

Keep the flame for truth burning and remember your Seatbelts! Stay Safe! No fate…

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