Presidentiel debate disaster between Joe Biden and Donald Trump!

Joe biden startet with a senior moment and was all over the place without any context but had a few okay moments, while Donald trump was lying all the time and showed him selv as incompetent as president but as we speak every single media and news papers are talking about the Cognitive ability of the president and imo this is the end for Joe bidens candidacy, media will be unforgiving and the memes will flood media and comedians will have a field day with them both.

Here is Jon Stewart with an early presidenttiel debate analysis on his shows which is super funny, he rips both of them:

My prediction that Joe Biden wount be able to run comming true as we speak, they cannot save that debate with any spin or excuses, Joe Biden looks like a lame duck and the question is how long will they drag it on and humiliate Joe biden in the Democratic party, Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom looks alot more likely but lets wait the next few days reaction to this presidenttiel debate which was set very early and I think they did it like that so they still could replace a candidate and have time to run.

I will follow up in the next few days and comment on the debate.

Keeep the flame for truth burning and remember your Seatbelts! Stay Safe! No fate…

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