Ukraine update 24/6, high deathtoll keep going, Ukraine Offensive or perhaps a Russian one.

The war in Ukraine is very intense atm and the deathtoll for 1 week has been, acording to the Russian ministry of Defense, 13.700 dead or wounded, which must be a record high weekly report. That’s almost 2.000 a day and to show you how bad this is, then if they kepts this intensity going for a month then it would be close to 60.000 Ukrainian losses or close to 720.000 in one year which is unsustainable to any country in the world. We could also look at the last general call up in Ukraine for new recruits, which landed to around 100.000 (they dreamt of 500.000) men in 3-4 month who will be getting training anywhere from 6 weeks training to perhaps some up to 3 month of training, but with a deathtoll at 60.000 a month dead and wounded then the 100.000 new men could lose 60% in only 1 month, that number is absurd and insane and will breask Ukraine if it keep hitting this high.

Acording to Alexander Mercouris then Ukraine was planning an offensive in the Khrakov region but because of the high deathtoll already and a possible Russian big Offensive also rumoured in a month or two, then they are rethinking that idea, imagine a huge offensive from Ukraine failing like in the summer of 2023, where the casualties were 90.000 in 4 month, if that where to happend again then Russian would 100% start a huge offensive in the back of such a disaster and could break Ukraine defensive lines, but lets see if Ukraine wants to commit alot of forces in Krakov or they are fearsome of the deathtoll atm.

Ukraine has been presureing the West alot for long range cruise missiles to be used deep into Russian borders but in the past the West has been reluctant because they feared an escalation but they have now given in into Ukraine’s wish and we will soon see how they will use them. Russia has declared it a red line if they fire deep into Russia but I think the response from Russia will depend on what the targets are, if Ukraine Hits airfields or ammunition depot then it would in my view be fair but if they hit civillian target like they did in Belgorod or if they hit the Radar systems Russian use to detect nuclear missiles incomming then Russia would consider it an attack on an existentiel infrastructure that they cant afford to loose in case we go to world war 3.

Now Russia has become very optimistic about this war, many rumours says this could be the last year of the war and that Russia will activate a huge Russian offensive once they feel it will succed and Putin said publicly that the moment where Russia would switch to an direct Offensive is getting closer, which has made many believe that late in the summer could be the timing the Russians are waiting for. As I have said earlier then Ukraine are thinking twice about their own Offensive because of the Russian wishper of a looming Offensive.

I personelly also agree that this war could be over by the end of the year but I hope for a peacedeal sooner rather than later but it seems the politicians and Joe Biden has paintet them selves into a corner and if they approach a Russia peace deal then they could face loosing their political Career, last time an American president was forced to a peacedeal was during the vietnam war where president johnson had to resign afterwards. This is why USA and the west are trying to shape a peacedeal them selves so they can come out strong, but Russia are very confident about the war now, that they will want USA and the West to get closer to their terms, Russia is winning and the window for a peacedeal is getting smaller and smaller, once Russian activates their offensive then I fear Russia will not stop before they have Dnipor city which the Russian believes will be Ukrainians last stance, once the city is captured it will be over acording to the Russians.

I find it sad that EU has been turned into a Union of war, every single country in the EU laready has the authority to donate to Ukaine but that is not enough, EU has already made 1 huge loan to Ukraine and also the 50 billio from the G7 was ultemately something the EU would have to gurantee if Ukraine defaults on its loans, they already owe USA 2 trillion dollars. Any country who oppose this is beeing targeted with huge fines by EU which has made Hungary accepts the decisions to send aid to Ukraine inside EU, this is clearly the first step in making EU a Geo-political player and will usher in the militarization of the EU which will be so exspensive that social development and Green tech could suffer hugely cause safety before development are some of the words beeing thrown out, even by center/left parties like Olaf Scholz and the greens in Germany or Mette Frederiksen in Denmark or others, this move will force a move to the right and worse is that it will be done willfully by the center/left who will become center-right if they arent already like Mette Frederiksen.

We are on the wrong side of History and we live in the dark ages politically, politicians inside EU ganging up on solo politicians to force them to join the road towards a potentiel world war 3 and a huge militarization that will create an enormous debt slacvery which we have already startet with 2 huge loans in a union that was build to stand for peace…

Keep the flame for the truth burning and remember your Seatbelts! Stay Safe! No fate…

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