Ukraine update 13/6, high deathtoll, Swiss meeting fails, F16

Let’s start with the upcomming meeting in Switzerland this weekend, around 160 was invited and it seems that Zelenskyy and Ukraine was behind the invitations and not Switzerland, which shows you that this was a construct by Zelenskyy and not USA or Switzerland, further more Alexander Mercouris informed yesterday that more people have declined and changed their mind on comming to Switzerland, the number of countries comming is now under half, around 78 countries are visiting but the vast majority of the big countries are either not showing or sending a small group far from the top instread, even USA has said that they are not sending Joe Biden and not EVEN Antony Blinken but Kamala Harris which really shows that even USA are regarding this event as less serious and rumour has it that USA are tired of Zelenskyy while the EU countries are more in favour of him yet but tensions are showing and many EU countries showing to support Zelenskyy says alot of who still support Zelenskyy and it looks like the European leaders have put all their eggs in the Zelenskyy Basket and this could be horrible if Ukraine looses the war and IMO shows how commited the politicians in EU are since they risk an implosion of the politicians career’s which makes them double down or triple down on Zelenskyy in EU.

Even more weird, then originally the meeting in Switzerland was branded as a PEACE CONFERANCE but for what ever reason they are rumoured to be more about investment and humanitarian aid and support than actually talking about peace, this dosent mean they wount touch the subject but it will by the same “peace” plan by Zelenskyy which sounds more like demands made by a winning part rather than anything else, demands which are totally out of touch with reality and which will never be accepted by Russia. I will call the meeting in Switzerland as a total failure even before it has begun and shows Zelenskyy as trying to ensure his positions as the president of Ukraine even if there has just been a cancellation of the Ukrainian Election, so Zelenskyy uses these meeting to tell other countries and even politicians in Ukraine that he is still the number 1 guy in Ukraine, but if you have to tell everyone that you are the president most of the time then there is a serious problem. The meeting was ofc also an attempt to tribalize and hope to get more countries on board with Ukraine cause most countries in the Global South wants nothing to do with it and globally only 25-30% is behind Ukraine while most countries regard it as a western war and either wants northing to do with it or are saying that a peace conferance without Russia is a waste of time.

There has been alot of talk about F16 recently, the issue is that it will be hard to protect the F-16 if they operate on an airfield inside Ukraine, so we are told that the F-16 will be stored in Romania and from there they will fly to an airfield in Ukraine and then loaded with missiles and other weapons and from the Ukraine airfield they will fly to the front or close to. The reason why it is so much talked about is because Russia has said that if the F16 operate in Poland or Romania or other country then if they fly from there and attack deep iside Russia with Missiles then they will regards the airfield in Poland or Romania as a legitimate target and both countries are member of Nato and the question will be if they will demand article 5 in Nato which demands people come to the aid of a Nato country beeing attack. So it could be a moment where world war 3 starts but I dont think anyone wants this to happen and that’s why it will be stupid to use Romanian airfield unless they do land in an Ukrainian airfield and get armed there and then fly to the fronts, but what if Russia keeps the airfields in Ukraine out of operation? will the F-16 be straded in Romania or will they attempt to call Russia out of their red line and see if Russia attacks airfields in Romania? I hope not.

Now acording to the Russian defense ministry report then yesterday was a very grimm day for Ukraine with over 2100 killed or wounded and this is perhaps the highest in the war so far, to put it in perspective then if they did that in one month it would be 60.000 dead or wounded and if it was the daily deathtoll for a year then it would be 720.000 dead or wounded which is absurd, 2023 had to camparison 220.000 dead or wounded Ukrainians. Further more Ukraine are atm getting 30.000 new recruits a month which would only be half of what is needed to JUST keep the strengh they have now.

Now ofc it is only 1 day but the point is that Russia has 4 fronts ongoing in the fronts and that is more then in 2023, which means more than 220.000 is likely to either get killed or severly wounded, for instance so far in this year we have an average of over 1000 per day and that would be over a year 365.000 dead or wounded, compare that to the 220.000 last year.

This is with 4 fronts ongoing across the contact zone and Russia could open 1 more just to put alot of strain on the Ukrainian defense and make it hard for Ukraine to reinforce all the 4 places where Russia is focusing on atm. We musent forget that Putin a month or two ago said that they are getting closer to an actual Russian Offensive, this would problaby happend if there is a collapse or a partial collapse in one of the 4 ongoing fronts where russia is conducting Attrition warfare with an active defense ongoing.

Now the last few days near Khrakiv Ukraine has send small groups on a counterattack with 30 and some say up to company which is 100 men but acording to the Russian all of the counteroffensive where stopped and send packing home with huge casualties. The reason for the Khrakiv counteroffensive was a wish from Zelenskyy who wanted to show people around the world and in Switzerland that they are “winning” or doing “well”, which from my point a view is sad to hear, that people are beeing asked to conduct a small counter offensive which failed and could never succeed with such low numbers just to please Zelenskyy and his “masters”.

From my point of view then it seems that Russia will win with the current general picture showing Russia on the initiative and pushing Ukraine to their limit and I think it is only a matter of time before the West and USA realize or accept, is more likely, that there has to be a peace deal but sadly EU has double and triple down on Zelenskyy and the support for the war and sadly that means they are unlike to wanna discuss peace or risk collapsing politically.

Best quote I have heard from Denmark was: We must WIN PEACE before we risk Ukraine loosing the war, this was sadly replaced with: We can’t let Russia win, which shows how commited the europeane leaders are cause they are still on the: We cant let Russia win train which is bound for a frontal crash into a huge wall.

Keep the flame for truth burning and remember your Seatbelt! Stay Safe! No fate…

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