Ukraine Update #9/6

If we take a look at the battlefield then the story is much like the last time however Ukraine is plannen their offensive move while the general picture atm is that Russia is pushing multiple fronts but very slowly, they are still practicing active defense and are focusing on atrittion warfare still while still having the general innitiative across the battlezone.

Ukraine wants ti contuct a front in the Khrakov area and get their own offensive going but it will be very hard because Ukraine have for some time focused on defending and it will be har to turn that around because of bad morale and the opposite on the russian side where there is good optimism.

We are told fra Alexander mercouri that Ukraine atm are getting 30.000 newly trained teoops whitch is alot more than before but because of the weider fronts and multiple of them then Ukraine is loosing 1000 af day at minimum which means the Ukrainian army is still not getting bigger but is static atm which is better than the past. Now Russia is gettinger stronger every day and acording to Mercouris the russia is only loosing 1/5 or 1/4 of what Ukraine is loosing so that is a big deal, it shows how big a deal air superiority means and the innitianie and more artilley shells fired every month.

Now in Khrakov Russia is fighting at two areas, lyptsi and Volchansk as the big struggle in the north, further down the battle zone we have is Chasov Yar where russia today took over the micro dicstrict to the east of the aquaduct in earsten Chasov Yar while russia also has positions north and south of Chasov Yar, this vil still take some time to take, Chasov syar is importen cause it opens op towards kramatorsk and one city more before kramatorsk and after kramatorsk we have Dniper city which Russia regard at the final vattle for victory but again, Chasov Yar and another city and also kramatorsk stands in the war.

Now Emmanuel Macron wants Trainers officially inside Ukraine which is a dangerous idea cause if Russia kills dem then ut coyld be viewed as an attak on Nato triops, UK, Germany, Italy and austria says NO to the Idea so we will see what happens. France also wants their figther jet -Mirage 2000- to Ukraine but that again requires Ukraine to train for a new system and where are they gonna fly from inside Ukraine.

keep the flame for truth burning and remember your Seatbelts! Stay Safe! No fate…

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