Cornel West on the Don Lemon Show

Its always nice to hear from Cornel West on Issues and why he is running and why the “spoiler” tag is something the duopoly uses to scare people away or make him seem less serious than he is. Now many of you may have heard it before but its important for new interested people to hear.

Now we also got an update on the campaign and so far he has 7 confirmed and several beeing contestet so he says twice as many mid summer, in compareson the green part are at 17 which with their experience seems on the low end and Cornel West also said the Greens god 1 ballot acces last month while Cornel West got the 7 so he is on the move while the Greens are also struggling with the obstruction by the Democrats AND the Republicans.

Now they briefly touched on trump’s court result and Cornel West repeated what many including me have said that there is a chance that both Trump and Joe biden might leave the race og then its up for grab and Cornel West suddenly looks like someone you might vote on over Nikki Haley or Kamala Harris since they are both very unexsperiened at the top like Cornel West so he becomes more electable if that scenario plays out, but lets be fair also, Cornel West is building a movement for future elections and atm its about making him visable and to get on as many ballot as possible, but we are free to hope for a good 2024 race for Cornel! He also states he is stil aiming at 50 ballot acces but that 3 of them will be very hard to get.

Keep the flame for truth burning and remember your Seatbelts! Stay Safe! No fate…

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